Change Leadership Advisory Practice

Big business changes like digital transformation can cause anxiety and confusion in your company. That creates resistance, which can stand in the way of success.
Change leadership means creating a corporate culture that makes it easier for everyone – individuals, teams, program managers, stakeholders and customers – to understand why these changes will help them and the company. It’s a structured and efficient method to implement big changes smoothly and successfully, and it starts at the top.
By putting corporate culture first, change leadership ensures everyone has a shared understanding of how to stay ahead of the competition in the evolving digital economy.

leading your Change with culture-first approach
Change Leadership Advisory Practice
Featured Workshops
The why of implementing Lean-Agile development at scale is well established— faster time-to-market, higher productivity, better quality, and happier, more motivated employees. But, the how of the SAFe implementation can be challenging. This executive workshop provides a high-level overview of a proven series of steps for successfully implementing SAFe.
Improving time-to-market with SAFe’s CALMR approach to DevOps and Release on Demand. Approaches to implementing DevOps are diverse, without a standard playbook or central manifesto. Learn how to use the principles on which SAFe DevOps is based and what successful DevOps organizations tend to have in common.
The importance of the Inspect and Adapt (I&A) workshop cannot be understated. It enables every Agile Release Train (ART) to improve every Program Increment (PI). Since each PI represents a significant economic investment from the organization, it’s critical to assess the current state of the solution, which is demonstrated and evaluated by the ART teams during the I&A. During this one-day workshop you will be guided through the planning, preparation and execution of the Inspect and Adapt workshop.
In order to maintain alignment, while preserving empowerment and decentralized decision making, three key collaborations must be enabled across the portfolio— Strategy and investment funding, Agile portfolio operations, and Lean governance. Learn how these three collaborations provide a leaner, and more Agile, governance model that helps each portfolio achieve its larger business objectives.
An effective Lean-Agile Center of Excellence (LACE) is a critical success factor differentiating organizations fully committed to adopting Lean-Agile practices and achieving significant business results from those practicing Agile in name only. During this workshop, you will explore proven SAFe adoption patterns (as well as common pitfalls) and how they apply to your context.
During this two day workshop, you will learn how to identify your organization’s value streams and then explore and test different potential Agile Release Train (ART) designs that are optimized for the flow of value. With this understanding, we will help you pick one value stream and one ART to serve as the starting vehicle for the journey. Next, you will learn how to create a plan to launch the ART and develop a roadmap for launching more ARTs and value streams.
There are many ways to successfully launch an Agile Release Train (ART) to begin realizing the benefits of SAFe. However, experience has shown that the easiest and fastest way to do this is through the SAFe ART Quickstart approach. Using this approach, all teams on the ART are trained together, and the first Program Increment (PI) planning session is completed in just one week. While this may seem daunting, hundreds of rollouts have proven that this is the easiest and most pragmatic way to help 100-plus people transition to the new way of working.